Thank You for our 40th Reunion Success!
It would not have been made possible without the following talents of people
who “stepped to the plate” with their talented and most helpful hands and great minds:
40th Reunion Committee Members and Supportive Persons
Treasurer - Sharon Flanagan
50/50 Raffle at our 40th Pre-reunion at Rick’s Sports Bar & Grill – Fred Eisen
Written Classmate Contact Secretary - Laurel (Johnson) Dakan
Publicity - Kathy (McNamara) Svilar
Decorations and Banners for both our 40th Pre-Reunion & Main Event - Susan Todd
Accommodations - Pre-Reunion – Main Reunion - Mark Klein / Richard Stacy / Kathy (McNamara) Svilar
Food Menu - Frank and Paula (Sabo) Locante
Memorabilia Board - Dedication Exhibit of Classmates Not Forgotten - Carolyn (Sable) Spachner
Memorial Research for Classmates - Deborah L. Gibson / Jonathan H. Bosse / Richard Stacy / Carolyn (Sable) Spachner
Entertainment/Dancing - Mark Klein / Richard Stacy
Live Music performed by – Rudy and The Professionals
Photographic Services - Jay R. Podolsky, President of Blink Ink
Multimedia Support – Michael Miller (Gateway Class of 1972)
Reunion Golf Outing – David Beatty & The Maple Crest Golf Course Staff
Invocation for the 40th Reunion Dinner - Pastor Jonathan H. Bosse
40th Reunion Special Presentation (Classmate who traveled the farthest distance to arrive) – Pamela Murphy
40th Class of 1971 Reunion Presidential Speech – Stu Wolpert
Volunteer Reunion Dinner Decoration Prep Assistance – Mark Gentry, Jody (Spigle) Keller, Carolyn (Sable) Spachner, Kathy (McNamara) Svilar, Frank and Paula Locante, Bonnie (Sanford) Caskey, George Spirrh, Fred Eisen, Michael Miller
Rick of Rick’s Sports Bar and Grill
All of the wait staff, bar tenders and kitchen staff of Rick’s Sports Bar & Grill
Andrew Ferri of the Lamplighter
All of the wait staff, bar tender and kitchen staff of the Lamplighter
All the attendees of our Pre-Reunion, Main Reunion and Golf Outing Events
Rick Stacy
Gateway Senior High School
Class of 1971
40th Reunion
Committee Chair
Stay Tuned to future postings and updates.
And, yes, there will be a program book published
but will be made available to those attendees
who registered with an updated email address.